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Mini Ninjas

- Go to the Square Enix Store (different links for different regions) you can use the search on the site, and search for Mini Ninjas, if the link is not working
- North america:
- Europe:
- If you are from some other place. just use any link above and put an address from that location
- Register/Login
- Go to the Mini Ninjas Page again (link above)
- Add to Cart, Checkout, Use the Code
- MiniNinjas
- Click Submit, Price goes to 0.00, and Continue
- Type in The Info (my country is not on the list, so i used zip 10001 which is New York United States) Continue, Place Order
- Wait for the email (because its under load it may take some time)
- Your key Will be in My Account > My Orders > Unlock > And again on the next page there should be another Unlock when your key is ready (after the email)