Endless Space Definitive Edition - Free Steam Game

Endless Space Definitive Edition is Free via developers website
- Go to the steam's website and login (you will need to sync steam to their website later)
- Go to Games2Gather website and make an account
- https://www.games2gether.com/
- Verify your email
- Go into Games2Gather settings
- https://account.games2gether.com/account
- link your steam account and sync it
- Go to the your profile on Games2Gather on the rewards page
- https://www.games2gether.com/profile/me/rewards
- Below the "Your steam account is linked" there is a section called "FULL GAME"
- On that section, there are 2 items Love Thyself Part 2 and Endless Space Collection
- If you cant find it, its above the section "You Have XX Free Rewards to Download"
- Click on Endless Space Collection Image
- A new popup will apear with a youtube video, and on the side there will be the same button
- Click REDEEM IT ON STEAM again
- That is it
- Free content of the game will be added directly to your steam account